Why do beggars give birth to children if they can’t raise them?

Why do beggars give birth to children if they cannot take care of them? The various reasons for this are as follows:
Sexual need:
Although a beggar does not have the basic needs of food-clothes-shelter, yet he is a normal human being. Therefore they also have sexual needs for sense gratification.
Besides, if the senses cannot be controlled by great austerities, what can only the poor with empty pockets do? And so they give birth to new children after fulfilling their sexual need.
Due to lifelong sexual need, they give birth to many children without knowing it. Many children die during treatment due to illness, so there is often a balance.
Condom shortage:
Since the pockets are empty, they naturally avoid using condoms to meet their sexual needs. Despite having wealth, they consider self-control as secondary. Also, ignorance or misunderstanding about deterrents becomes a big problem for them.
Ignorance about family planning: Due to illiteracy and ignorance of the society, they are not aware about family planning. Furthermore, because the cost of medical treatment is prohibitive, they consider family planning secondary.
To maintain myself through children:
People get emotional seeing the children and immediately put their hands in their pockets and give money. Many beggar classes give birth to more and more children because children get alms faster and get more because of the respect of elders.
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Descendant Desire:
No matter how much, they also want to save their dynasty. They also know their caste, society, ancestors. So like us, the idea of their caste flourishes in their mind too.
What can we do:
If you see children begging on the street, please don’t give them money. Do keep some biscuits or snacks in your vehicle. When you see such beggar children, give them food instead of money.
Adopt the education expenses of a beggar child once in a lifetime. Even if you do not pursue higher education, if you study at least up to 10th standard, it will be a great asset to the society.
Many youth groups themselves teach such children by paying money. Even if we run a school for such children under a shed for one hour every day, a lot of change will be felt. (A similar campaign was carried out by the volunteers of Res Swa Sangh under Jade Bridge in Pune a few years ago.)
If you are a professional then meet the parents of such beggar children and provide at least some work to their parents.
For the rest, you should choose the method which you find right and necessary. Unless someone fights for it, ignoring it will not bring change.