Biggest secret of Indian Temple: Tirupati Balaji Temple!

When Shri Tirupati Balaji asks you for a necklace of 108 gold coins!

Yes, this true incident is from the year 1980.

Mr. Prasad, the private secretary to former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, was then posted as the Chief Officer in Tirupati. One day he got a call from a servant of the temple: –

“Sir! About 20 devotees have come here and wish to present a necklace made of gold coins to the Lord. Seeing the Lord wearing the same necklace, they also long for darshan.”

In Tirupati temple, since ancient times, it is a system that any devotee who presents ornaments and wants to see the Lord wearing them on the same day, has to pay a certain amount of money equivalent to the ornaments which is called Vartan. In the olden times, this system was implemented to create coordination between the kings and the zamindars. Prasad immediately left for the temple as soon as he heard the call. Went there and saw that 20 devotees were present there. Their head Nagraj Rao, without knowing Prasad who he is, how big an officer he is, started telling his story:-

  • I am a resident of Chikmagalur district Karnataka and working as a teacher for the last 20 years.
  • 16 years ago today, Shri Balaji appeared to me in a dream and told me to make a hare with 108 gold coins for me. When I woke up in the morning, some devotees who had visited Tirumala came to the house and gave laddu prasad. I remembered my dream but I did not pay attention.
  • The same night again I saw God in my dream and ordered me to get the necklace made. The next day, first of all, I narrated this dream to the whole family. We were so poor that we could not even buy 108 gold coins, let alone 1 silver coin.
  • In the end, it was thought that by making a necklace of 108 copper coins, after plating it with a layer of gold, they offer it to Shri Balaji.
  • But the day this thought occurred, the same day in the night the Lord again came in a dream and said to present a necklace of gold and not of copper.
  • When the family heard this in the morning, everyone decided that it should happen as per the will of the Lord. 16 years ago I was the only earning person in the house. There was agricultural land which was barren. So we children and old people all gave up one meal and prepared 2 gold coins in 6 months from the money saved from it.
  • Time passed, other family members got good jobs. The agricultural land became fertile and the economic condition started improving.
  • Now after 16 years, we have been able to get a thick gold chain made of 108 gold coins with pictures of the Lord and the two goddesses engraved on it.
  • The day the necklace was made, the Lord appeared again in a dream and said, “The necklace is made, now I am happy. Do this, you come to Tirumala with the whole family and offer me the necklace and have darshan. If any problem arises, a person ( Only face shown) will help you there.

    Nagraj Rao became silent after saying this.

    But suddenly seeing Prasad said “Hey you! You are the one about whom the Lord had said that he will help you in every situation!”

    Prasad silent! His tears came out in emotion. Then many questions started emerging in my mind:-

    • How can I get them to see the Lord who has presented the necklace against the rules immediately? The transaction amount is around 2 lakhs. They only have money left to go home. Abhishek service is far away, they can’t even buy tickets for general service!
    • What answer will I give to the temple trust if I let them go against the rules!
    • He has unwavering faith in God and God has appointed me to do his work. How can I break their trust!

    These questions were resolved and immediately Prasad ordered his people, “He is a special guest in Tirupati. There should be no shortage in welcoming him.”

    Next morning on Friday all 20 devotees were given Abhishek darshan and after that the same 108 gold coin necklace was made to the Lord.

    Big secret of Indian Temple

    Tears of love in the eyes of the family and “Govinda! Govinda!” Name.

    After all, such darshan was received after 16 years of penance!

    After some time, when the trust meeting was held and this incident was told, everyone, being devotees of Bhagwad, was very happy at first and arranged that for special reasons and seeing the devotion of the devotee, the practice of rituals can be abandoned.

    When you are disappointed from the heart, when you are defeated from all sides, just close your eyes and say “Govinda!” Remember this name. The Lord definitely comes to help in the form of anyone.


    Hello friends, I am “Swati Jain” and i'm graduated in journalism from Mumbai University. I like to write essays and articles on Indian history, accomplishments and achievements. You will see all my articles are about curiosity around India.

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