A personal view on PM Kisan Samman Nidhi!

Understand this ‘PM Kisan Samman Nidhi’ from the personal experience of one of our readers.

As a farmer, I have always struggled to make ends meet. Unpredictable weather, fluctuating market prices and the ever-increasing cost of cultivation made it a constant battle to maintain my livelihood. But, this changed with the introduction of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. In this article, I would like to share my personal experiences and insights about this scheme and how it has impacted my life.

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi

Applying for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi

The eligibility criteria for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is quite simple and straightforward. As long as you are a small and marginal farmer with less than 2 hectares of cultivable land, you can apply for this scheme. I had applied for the scheme through PM Kisan Portal and it was a hassle free process. All I needed was my Aadhaar card and my bank details.

Monetary Benefits of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi

After my application is approved, I start getting the benefits of the scheme. In every financial year I get Rs. 6000, which is deposited directly into my bank account in three equal installments. This amount has helped a lot in meeting various expenses related to farming such as buying seeds, fertilizers and paying wages.

Enhancing your livelihood through PM Kisan Samman Nidhi

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi has had a profound impact on my livelihood. With regular inflow of funds, I have been able to invest in better quality seeds and fertilizers, which have improved the yield of my crops. In turn, this has increased my income and helped me lead a better life. I no longer need to worry about loans and can also save for my future.

How to apply for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi?

Follow the steps given below to apply for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi:

Check Eligibility:

Make sure that you fulfill the eligibility criteria for the scheme. You must be a small and marginal farmer with less than 2 hectares of cultivable land.

Collect the required documents:

Keep your Aadhaar card and bank details ready as these will be required for the application process.

Visit PM Kisan Portal:

Go to the official PM Kisan website (https://pmkisan.gov.in) and click on the “Kisan Corner” tab.

Register for the scheme:

If you are a new user, click on the button “New Farmer Registration” and fill the required details. If you are an existing user, login to your account using your Aadhaar number.

Fill up the application form:

Once you are registered, you will be directed to the application form. Fill all the required details including your bank account information.

Upload Document:

Upload the scanned copy of your Aadhaar card and other relevant documents as per the instructions given on the website.

Submit Application:

Submit the application form after filling all the details.

Track Application Status:

You can track the status of your application by logging into your account on PM Kisan Portal.

Note: It is important to ensure that the information provided by you in the application form is accurate and up-to-date, as any incorrect information may lead to rejection of your application.


PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is a game changer for small and marginal farmers like me. It has provided us with a steady source of income and helped us invest in our farms, which has improved our livelihood. I am thankful to the government for starting such a scheme and I hope more farmers can be benefited from it in future.


Hello friends, I am “Swati Jain” and i'm graduated in journalism from Mumbai University. I like to write essays and articles on Indian history, accomplishments and achievements. You will see all my articles are about curiosity around India.

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