Know how Kauravas were born!

After the birth of Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, Dhritarashtra’s wife Gandhari also longed to have a daughter. Gandhari obtained the boon of having a daughter from Ved Vyasji.

Do you believe that the Kauravas were born directly from the mother’s womb?

Yes, if that were the case, it would literally take 100 years! But this did not happen. In fact, we had reached that height of civilization in the past, where even today’s science has not fully reached.

The theory of time travel, the theory that the speed of time also changes into space, the IVF technology of today which is the theory of Niyog then are all the topics which were earlier considered as fantasy and when they are proved by science then we They say, Hey, this is a coincidence! Brother, history and such great scientific experiments do not happen by chance.

Now let’s talk about how Kaurav was born!?

The Kauravas were actually born through the IVF/test tube baby technology of that time. 100 embryos fertilized with Gandhari’s testicles and Dhritarashtra’s sperm were “scientifically” developed in adapted vessels. By using all the necessary substances in these vessels, such a necessary environment is created in which the fetus can develop properly. And this work was completed by the then greatest sage (scientist + yogi) Ved Vyas ji.

So now you must have understood how the Kauravas were born!

The names of all the Kauravas were something like this;

  • दुर्योधन
  • दुशाशन
  • विकर्ण
  • युयुत्सु
  • दुश्शल
  • जलसन्ध
  • सम
  • सह
  • विन्द
  • अनुविन्द
  • दुर्धर्ष
  • सुबाहु
  • दु़ष्ट्रधर्षण
  • दुर्मर्षण
  • दुर्मुख
  • दुष्कर्ण
  • कर्ण
  • विविशन्ति
  • दुस्सह
  • शल
  • सत्त्व
  • सुलोचन
  • चित्र
  • उपचित्र
  • चित्राक्ष
  • चारुचित्रशारानन
  • दुर्मद
  • दुरिगाह
  • विवित्सु
  • विकटानन
  • ऊर्णनाभ
  • सुनाभ
  • नन्द
  • उपनन्द
  • चित्रबाण
  • चित्रवर्मा
  • सुवर्मा
  • दुर्विरोचन
  • अयोबाहु
  • चित्रांग
  • चित्रकुण्डल
  • भीमवेग
  • भिमबल
  • बलाकि
  • बलवर्धन
  • उग्रायुध
  • सुषेण
  • कुण्डोदर
  • महोदर
  • चित्रायुध
  • निषंगी
  • पाशी
  • वृन्दारक
  • दृढवर्मा
  • दृढक्षत्र
  • सोमकीर्ति
  • अनूर्दर
  • दृढसन्ध
  • जरासन्ध
  • सत्यसन्ध
  • सदस्सुवाक्
  • उग्रश्रव
  • उग्रसेन
  • सेनानी
  • दुष्पराजय
  • अपराजित
  • पण्डितक
  • विशलाक्ष
  • दुराधर
  • दृढहस्त
  • सुहस्त
  • वातवेग
  • सुवर्चस
  • आदित्यकेतु
  • बह्वाशी
  • नागदत्त
  • अग्रयायॊ
  • कवची
  • क्रथन
  • दण्डी
  • दण्डधार
  • धनुर्ग्रह
  • उग्र
  • भीमरथ
  • वीरबाहु
  • अलोलुप
  • अभय
  • रौद्रकर्मा
  • द्रुढरथाश्रय
  • अनाधृष्य
  • कुण्डभेदी
  • विरावी
  • प्रमथ
  • प्रमाथी
  • दीर्घारोम
  • दीर्घबाहु
  • व्यूढोरु
  • कनकध्वज
  • कुण्डाशी
  • विरसज
  • दुश्शला
Know how Kauravas were born

Hello friends, I am “Swati Jain” and i'm graduated in journalism from Mumbai University. I like to write essays and articles on Indian history, accomplishments and achievements. You will see all my articles are about curiosity around India.

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