10 Divine Vahanas of Hindu Gods and Deities You Must See!

In Hindu mythology, deities are often depicted riding on various divine vehicles or Vahanas of Hindu Gods, symbolizing their unique attributes and characteristics. These sacred Vahanas hold significant spiritual and mythological importance, representing the divine connection between the gods and their devotees. Let’s explore ten divine Vahanas of Hindu deities and their symbolic meanings.

Shvaan: Kaal Bhairav

The fierce form of Lord Shiva, Kaal Bhairav, rides on a black dog named Shvaan, representing his ferocity and protection of devotees.

Shvaan Kaal Bhairav

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Garuda: Bhagwan Vishnu

Garuda, a majestic eagle, serves as the Vahana of Lord Vishnu, symbolizing speed, strength, and liberation.

Garuda Bhagwan Vishnu

Simha: Maa Durga (from Vahanas of Hindu Gods)

Maa Durga, the embodiment of feminine power, rides on a lion or Simha, symbolizing courage, valor, and fearlessness.

Simha Maa Durga

Uluka: Maa Lakshmi

Maa Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, rides on an owl named Uluka, signifying wisdom and auspiciousness.

Uluka Maa Lakshmi

Magar: Maa Ganga

Maa Ganga, the river goddess, is often depicted riding a crocodile or Magar, symbolizing her authority over the waters and purification.

Magar Maa Ganga

Airavata: Devraj Indra

Devraj Indra, the king of Devas, rides on Airavata, a celestial white elephant, representing power, regality, and fertility.

Airavata Devraj Indra

Hamsa: Bhagwan Brahma

Bhagwan Brahma, the creator of the universe, rides on a swan or Hamsa, signifying purity, grace, and wisdom.

Hamsa Bhagwan Bramha

Mayura: Bhagwan Kartikeya

Bhagwan Kartikeya, the god of war, rides on a peacock named Mayura, symbolizing beauty, vibrancy, and victory.

Mayura Bhagwan Kartikeya

Mushak: Bhagwan Ganesh

Bhagwan Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, rides on a mouse or Mushak, representing humility and the ability to navigate through challenges.

Mushak Bhagwan Ganesh

Nandi: Bhagwan Shiva

Bhagwan Shiva, the supreme god, is often depicted with Nandi, the sacred bull, signifying strength, righteousness, and loyalty.

Nandi Bhagwan Shiv


The divine Vahanas of Hindu deities hold deep spiritual significance and serve as a reminder of the diverse attributes and characteristics of the gods they accompany. Each Vahana symbolizes unique qualities, making them an essential part of Hindu mythology and devotion. Understanding these sacred associations enriches our spiritual connection with the divine and allows us to appreciate the vastness of Hindu cosmology.


Hello friends, I am “Swati Jain” and i'm graduated in journalism from Mumbai University. I like to write essays and articles on Indian history, accomplishments and achievements. You will see all my articles are about curiosity around India.

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