100+ Free Marketing Resources for Online Startups and Entrepreneurs

Starting the journey of online startup and entrepreneurship in 2024 demands a robust set of free marketing resources to navigate the digital landscape effectively. As an experienced startup founder, I’ve tried and curated an extensive list of free resources and tools that will not only streamline your workflow but also elevate your creative output. Let’s delve into these categories:


Hemingway: Craft bold and clear writing.
Grammarly: Correct writing mistakes effortlessly.
Medium: Share your stories and ideas with a global audience.
ZenPen: Embrace minimalism for distraction-free writing.
Liberio: Create and publish eBooks directly from Google Drive.
Editorial Calendar: Manage your blog posts efficiently.
Story Wars: Collaboratively write stories with others.
WP Hide Post: Control the visibility of items on your blog.
Social Locker: Encourage content sharing for access.
Egg Timer: Set and bookmark writing time for repeated use.
BlankPage: Simplify the writing process.
Wattpad: Join the world’s largest community for readers and writers.
Known: Centralize the content you create.
Dbook: Collaborative writing for large documents.
CoSchedule: Analyze and optimize blog post headlines.
A5.gg: Save and return to your text.
Free Summarizer: Summarize any text online in seconds.

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Buzzsumo: Analyze top-performing content for any topic.
Ruzzit: Discover the most shared content on the web.
Feedly: Compile customizable news feeds from various sources.
Swayy: Explore engaging content for free.
Google Trends: Display trending searches dynamically.
Hubspot Blog Topic Generator: Generate custom blog ideas.
Portent: Spark creativity with content idea generation.

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FREE SEO + WEBSITE ANALYZERS (Free Marketing Resources):

Open Site Explorer: Comprehensive link analysis tool.
Ahrefs: Site explorer and backlink checker.
Quick Sprout: Analyze your website thoroughly.
WordPress SEO by Yoast: Optimize your WordPress site.
SEO Site Checkup: Identify and address SEO issues.
Hubspot Marketing Grader: Grade your marketing efforts.
SimilarWeb: Analyze website statistics for any domain.
Alexa Ranking: Gain analytical insights into any site’s rank.
SERPs Rank Checker: Check keyword rank and SERP position.
OpenLinkProfiler: Access fresh backlinks for free.
Keywordtool.io: Free alternative to Google Keyword Planner.
Google: Leverage Analytics, Keyword Planner, Webmaster Tools, and Trends.
Nibbler: Test any website for performance.
Browseo: See how search engines view your website.
Broken Links: Identify broken links and redirects.
Copyscape: Search for copies of your page on the web.
Google Pagespeed Insights: Evaluate your site’s performance.
Pingdom: Test and optimize site load times.
GTMetrics: Analyze your page’s speed performance.
Moz Local: Check your local listings on Google, Bing, and more.
XML Sitemaps: Generate XML and HTML sitemaps.
Shopify E-commerce Report: Receive a free Ecommerce report.
W3C validator: Ensure your markup is valid.

FREE IMAGE OPTIMIZERS (Free Marketing Resources):

TinyJPG | TinyPNG: Compress images efficiently.
Compressor.io: Optimize and compress images online.
Kraken: Accelerate your websites with optimized images.
ImageOptimizer: Resize, compress, and optimize image files.
ImageOptim: Reduce image disk space and load times.
Smush.it: Optimize images with a WordPress plugin.
Dunnnk: Access beautiful mockups.
InstaMockup: Create stunning screenshots of your app or website.


Canva: Design graphics effortlessly.
Pixlr: Edit photos directly from your browser.
Skitch: Convey ideas visually with fewer words.
Easel.ly: Create and share powerful visuals.
Social Image Resizer Tool: Optimize images for social media.
Placeit: Access free product mockups and templates.
Recite: Turn quotes into visual masterpieces.
Meme Generator: Craft memes online.
Pablo: Design engaging social media images in under 30 seconds.


Contact form 7: Collect email addresses with this WordPress plugin.
Mailchimp: Send 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscribers for free.
ManyContactsBar: Free contact form sitting atop your website.
Hello Bar: Grow your email subscribers with ease.
Sumome List Builder: Collect email addresses with a lightbox popover.
Scroll Triggered Box: Boost conversion rates with this WordPress-only tool.
Sumome Scroll Box: Politely capture more email addresses.
Mandrill: Deliver email at high speed with 12K free emails per month.
Mailgun: The Email Service For Developers with 10K free emails per month.
Sendgrid: Deliver transactional and marketing email with 12K free emails per month.
Sendinblue: Enjoy 9K free emails per month.
Mailtrack: The best free email tracking solution.
Beefree: Create responsive design emails with this free editor.
Canned Emails: Access prewritten emails for various scenarios.

FREE GUIDES & COURSES (Free Marketing Resources):

Primer: Learn marketing lessons without jargon, courtesy of Google.
KeepYourFriendsClose: Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with this free e-book.
Pricing Course: Take a 9-day course on charging what you’re worth.
Email Course for Sponsorships: Learn how to secure sponsorships.
Startup Sales Course: Enhance your marketing skills with this free course.
Build an online course: Create a compelling online course with this free guide.
MailCharts: Improve your marketing skills with this free email course.
FirstSiteGuide: A beginner’s guide to successful blogging.


WriteRack: Tweetstorm effectively.
Spruce: Create Twitter-ready images in seconds.
Click To Tweet: Increase content shares with this tool.
MyTweetLinks: Boost Twitter traffic.
Latergram: Plan and schedule Instagram posts easily.
WordPress Pin it Button for Images: Add a “Pin It” button.
SharedCount: Track URL shares, likes, tweets, and more.
How Many Shares: Discover how many shares a URL has across social networks.
Justunfollow: Easily manage followers on Twitter and Instagram.
SocialRank: Organize and manage Twitter followers effectively.
Klout: Gauge social media influence.
Ritetag: Conduct instant hashtag analysis.
Social Analytics: Track interactions for a URL on most social platforms.
Buffer Free Plan: Schedule posts on multiple platforms.
Bitly: Create, share, and track shortened links.
Filament: Customize a beautiful sharing bar.
Addthis: Get more shares, follows, and conversions.
Sumome Share: Auto-optimize share buttons for maximum traffic.
Digg Digg: Use this all-in-one share buttons plugin.
Disqus: Build an active community of readers and commenters.
App Review Monitor: Receive app reviews directly to Slack and your inbox.
Presskit Generator: Generate a Press Kit for your iOS App for free.
Free Survey Creator: Gather user feedback with a free survey.


Typeform: Create beautiful online surveys and forms for free.
Tally: Generate polls quickly.
Free Survey Creator: Gather user feedback effectively.
Batch: Engage mobile app users with this 100% free platform.
Helprace: Support tool offering free service for small support teams.


Petit Hacks: Discover acquisition, retention, and revenue hacks.
Optimizely: Optimize websites and mobile apps.
Hello Bar: A/B test different CTAs and power words.
GrowthHackers: Collaborate on unlocking growth strategies.

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Equipped with these free and powerful resources or tools, online startups and entrepreneurs can navigate the digital realm with ease, maximizing creativity and efficiency. From writing and blogging to SEO, social media management, and growth hacking, this comprehensive toolkit ensures a seamless and successful journey in the dynamic world of online startups and entrepreneurship.

Free Marketing Resources for Online Startups
100+ Free Marketing Resources for Online Startups

Hello friends, I am “Swati Jain” and i'm graduated in journalism from Mumbai University. I like to write essays and articles on Indian history, accomplishments and achievements. You will see all my articles are about curiosity around India.

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